If you are searching for a simple and girly hairstyle, French braid is an amazing choice. With a special braid pattern and the capability to style into different hairstyles with braid, French braid is the choice that will always give you a fresh and special look. Then, how to French braid your own hair? It seems a little bit difficult at first, but after reading this post, you will see that it is actually pretty simple! Through this post, we will also give you more information about this braid as well as many other braids, so don’t miss any items!

How to French braid your own hair
I. How to French braid your own hair: an attractive hairstyle that everyone fancy
Before learning how to braid your hair into this French style or how to French braid your own hair black hair, we think that it is better for you to discover a little bit more about this hairstyle. Then, you will know more about the reason why it is so popular and also know more about a variety of styles to add to your collection to know how to French braid your own hair black hair or how to French braid on your own hair! In fact, braids are also popular styles that hair warehouse distributor chooses for hair extension products.
1.1. How French braid is different from normal braid
Although both are braids, the French braid is much more special and attractive than the standard one. The reason lies in the way how to French braid your own hair two sides or how to French braid your own hair black hair.
While normal braid is like a low ponytail with three braids of hair plaited together on how to French braid your own hair two sides, French braid is created with a lot of smaller braids of hair being plaited. Therefore, the normal or standard braid is usually easily boring and unattractive on how to French braid on your own hair. On the other hand, the French braid brings about a fresh and pretty vibe on how to French braid your own hair two sides.

How to French braid your own hair easy: Standard vs. French braid
1.2. A wide range of French braid styles to choose
In fact, the French braid is not only one style available, but you are able to create a variety of French braid styles on how to French braid your own hair two sides or how to French braid on your own hair. Besides popular French braids, you can even create a new style for yourself just by changing the way how to French braid your own hair black hair when you tie or handle your braids or know how to French braid your on own hair two sides.
Of course, the way how to French braid your own hair black hair or how to French braid your own hair two sides is basically the same. Some of the attractive French braid hairstyles you can try how to French braid on your own hair are French braid low bun, French braid high bun, French braid updo, French fish-tail braid hybrid, waterfall French braid, double French braid, French braid ponytail, etc.

How to French braid your own hair easy: A variety of hairstyles
1.3. How to French braid your own hair: Who can style French braids?
The final question before moving on to the steps on how to French braid your own hair black hair or how to French braid on your own hair is whether you can French braid your hair with short hair or not. The answer on how to French braid your own hair two sides or how to French braid on your own hair is yes, of course!
French braid is the style suitable for almost all kinds of hair with different hair lengths and textures, as long as the hair is not too short like very short haircuts. In fact, besides popular girly styles, you can also create a lot of individual French braid hairstyles on rather short hair as well on how to French braid your own hair two sides or how to French braid on your own hair. In addition, you can practise and apply the braids on hair extensions on how to French braid on your own hair from hair factory for resellers beforehand as well.

How to French braid your own hair easy: All hair types
II. How to French braid your own hair: step by step
Now comes the most important part, how to French braid your own hair black hair or how to French braid on your own hair! We will not introduce to you only one way how to French braid your own hair black hair of plaiting the basic French braid, but we will also give some other ways to style your braids (how to French braid your own hair black hair), so that your braid hairstyle collection will be much more diverse and updated on how to French braid on your own hair!
2.1. How to style a normal braid
Let’s firstly start with the steps to plait a normal or a standard braid or how to French braid your own hair black hair! Knowing this tips on how to French braid your own hair black hair, you will get used to braiding hair, especially how to French braid on your own hair. Therefore, when reading about how to French braid your own hair black hair or any other styles of braid on how to French braid your own hair two sides or how to French braid on your own hair, you will be able to imagine and understand the instructions better.

How to French braid your own hair easy: Start with standard one
It is pretty simple to do a standard braid. To make it very simple to understand, we will divide the process into 5 small steps on how to French braid on your own hair:
- Step 1: Brush your hair. About how to French braid on your own hair. Just make sure that your hair is tangle free before braiding on how to French braid your own hair two sides. It is a must as when the hair is tangled, you will not be able to divide it into strands to even start plaiting your hair on how to French braid your own hair black hair or how to French braid on your own hair.
- Step 2: Divide your hair. You need to divide your hair into 3 even strands on how to French braid on your own hair. Three-strand plaiting is the typical characteristics of a standard or normal braid on how to French braid your own hair for beginners or how to French braid on your own hai.
- Step 3: Start to braid. You can start with the right-side or left-side strand first on how to French braid your own hair two sides or how to French braid on your own hair. They are no different. Suppose you start with your right hair strand first, then you need to cross it with the middle one, and now it is in the middle on how to French braid your own hair two sides. After that, you do the same with the left section, which means you cross the left one with the new middle one (the initial right one) on how to French braid on your own hair. Now you have your first small braid on how to French braid on your own hair!
- Step 4: Continue braiding. You just repeat step on how to French braid your own hair black hair number 3 until all your hair is plaited. So easy on how to French braid your own hair for beginners or how to French braid on your own hair, right!
- Step 5: Tie the tail. To keep the braid fixed, you need to tie the last part of the tail on how to French braid your own hair two sides or how to French braid on your own hair. You can also use a ribbon or any other colorful hair ties to create a highlight on how to French braid on your own hair!

How to French braid your own hair easy: Steps to standard braid
2.2. How to French braid your own hair: start with a basic style
After knowing how to do a standard braid or how to French braid your own hair black hair, basic French braiding now becomes an easy task. In fact, the French braid still lies on the three-strand plaiting principle, but it requires a bit of stylization on how to French braid on your own hair. We will divide the process into 6 steps to let you have a clearer imagination about how to French braid your own hair black hair or how to French braid on your own hair.
- Step 1: Brush your hair. This is the first step of any braiding process about how to French braid your own hair black hai!
- Step 2: Divide your hair. You will also divide your hair into 3 even sections, but not all the hair on how to French braid your own hair two sides. You just use the half-up part of your ponytail first.
- Step 3: Start to braid. You just do exactly the same as the third step of doing a standard braid or how to French braid your own hair black hair. This is the reason why we introduce to you the way to standard braid your hair first or how to French braid your own hair black hair!
- Step 4: Continue with the rest. Suppose you still start the braid with the right-side section, then now you have to add more hair from the rest (but not all) to your right strand on how to French braid your own hair for beginners. Then you continue by crossing the new right strand with the middle one and do similarly with the left-side one on how to French braid on your own hair. This is quite similar to a standard braid or how to French braid your own hair two sides. You just keep doing this until you braid all of your hair and reach your nape on how to French braid your own hair two sides.
- Step 5: Continue a standard braid from your nape. After you reach your nape about how to French braid your own hair for beginners or how to French braid on your own hair, there must be no more hair to add to the strands, so you’ll continue the rest with a standard braid on how to French braid your own hair two sides.
- Step 6: Tie your hair. For the very last part of how to French braid your own hair black hair of the tail, you also need to tightly tie with a ribbon or a hair tie to keep the braid fixed.

How to French braid your own hair easy: Step by step
2.3. How to French braid your own hair: why not try different French braid styles!
As mentioned, besides the basic style, you can create a lot of different hairstyles with your French braid on how to French braid on your own hair. Below will be some significant ways how to French braid your own hair black hair ones or how to French braid your own hair two sides.

How to French braid your own hair easy: Other styles
2.3.1. How to braid your own hair into French braid ponytail
French braid ponytail: About how to French braid your own hair black hair. After the braid reaches your nape, instead of continuing with a standard braid, you can totally tie the rest of your hair up into a ponytail. You can also tie it a bit earlier, before it reaches the nape, so that your ponytail will be higher and create pretty individual vibes on how to French braid your own hair black hair or how to French braid on your own hair. You can also be creative to style the ponytail in many other special looks as in the picture below on how to French braid your own hair black hair or how to French braid your own hair two sides.
This style of French braids on how to French braid your own hair black hair is super suitable for active and individual girls at all places. It can be outstanding at schools, sport events, lively parties or more formal events like weddings, meetings or so on.

How to French braid your own hair for beginners: What about Dutch braid?
2.3.2. How to french braid your own hair two sides
Double French braid: This hairstyle is suitable for both long and short hair on how to double French braid your own hair or how to French braid on your own hair. Firstly to know how to French braid your own hair two sides, you need to divide your hair into 2 even parts. Then, you do the French braid for each part on how to French braid on your own hair. This way on how to double French braid your own hair is exactly the same as how to French braid your own hair two sides.
Girls with short hair and have such an active style are highly recommended to style this type of braid, know how to French braid your own hair two sides or how to double French braid your own hair. While the one-braid type can be a little simple and boring sometimes, the two-braid type is totally new and attractive if you know how to double French braid your own hair or how to French braid your own hair two sides. For one with long hair, this style is also recommended for a fresh look on how to double French braid your own hair!

How to French braid your own hair easy – Double French braid
2.3.3. How braid your own hair into waterfall French braid
Waterfall French braid: This hairstyle how to double French braid your own hair is harder to do. The outcome is pretty amazing as your hair will turn out to be as smooth and special as a waterfall on how to French braid your own hair two sides or how to French braid on your own hair. For this hairstyle, you’d better get on Youtube to watch lively instructions to ensure the best illustrations on how to French braid your own hair two sides or how to French braid on your own hair.
This style is an amazing choice for girls with muse vibes on how to French braid your own hair two sides. If you have short hair, this style is still possible on how to French braid your own hair two sides. However, on how to French braid on your own hair, it will be best looking with smooth long hair. You can just look at the picture below to see how amazing the braids are with long hair on how to French braid your own hair two sides or how to French braid on your own hair!

How to French braid your own hair easy – Waterfall French braid
2.3.4. How to french braid your own hair for beginners into low bun
French braid low bun: About how to French braid your own hair for beginners, to style French braid low bun, it is quite simple. First of all, you need to follow the guide on how to French braid your own hair two sides or how to French braid your own hair two sides above. This is because the bun is the best look with the flow from two sides to the low bun to know how to French braid your own hair for beginners or how to French braid on your own hair. You can look at the picture below to get a clearer illustration about how to French braid your own hair two sides or how to French braid on your own hair.
This is the hairstyle on how to French braid on your own hair that lots of brides choose for their wedding day. It is super elegant and classy. With this braid and knowing how to French braid your own hair two sides, your look will be pretty sweet and outstanding.

How to French braid your own hair easy – French braid low bun
As you can see, besides using hair extensions like wigs or quick weaves from wholesale hair vendors, spending some time styling your hair by yourself can bring so much fun! You ought to do it more often.
III. How to French braid your own hair: What are other pretty braid styles?
In addition to the French braid and standard braid, we also want to introduce to you other kinds of how to French braid your own hair two sides braid, so that such braid lovers can change different styles every day! They are all amazing braid hairstyles that will give a variety of impressive vibes on how to French braid your own hair two sides!
3.1. How to French braid your own hair: What about Dutch braids?
The Dutch braid is similar to the standard and the French braid on how to French braid on your own hair. It is a three-strand principle on how to double French braid your own hair or how to French braid on your own hair based style. You can also create a lot of hairstyles on how to double French braid your own hair with this pattern of braid. You can style a basic, a ponytail, a low bun, a side braid or many other hairstyles on how to French braid your own hair two sides of Dutch braid.
It is said to be a wonderful choice of braid for all seasons on how to double French braid your own hair or how to French braid on your own hair! In addition, both rather short and long hair of all textures can be styled with this kind of braid if you know how to double French braid your own hair.

How to French braid your own hair for beginners: What about Dutch braid?
3.2. How to French braid your own hair: Why not try box braids?
You have heard a lot about box braids, right! This style carries a super sporty and individual vibe. It is most suitable for American – African styles on how to double French braid your own hair or how to French braid on your own hair. When you first look at the hair, you may be afraid that it is too hard to do, don’t know how to double French braid your own hair. However, it is not that difficult on how to double French braid your own hair. When you are used to it after a couple of times trying, you will feel that it is pretty simple to style on how to French braid your own hair two sides.
If this type of braid is still too complicated and time-consuming to you, don’t worry as hair extensions are always available on how to French braid your own hair two sides or how to French braid on your own hair. Hair extension products from hair suppliers worldwide will offer you a variety of braids which care super fancy and individual on how to French braid your own hair two sides!

How to French braid your own hair for beginners: Why not try box braid?
3.3. How to French braid your own hair: Fishtail braid – an amazing style
The last style we want to introduce is the fishtail braid. The look of this braid is quite similar to the French or Dutch braid. However, it how to French braid your own hair black hair or how to French braid on your own hair is more detailed.
It is likely to be the same as the fish bone structure on how to double French braid your own hair or how to French braid on your own hair. This braid will definitely give you a unique look, and it will be much more special when you create your own hairstyle on how to French braid your own hair two sides with this braid pattern.

How to French braid your own hair for beginners: How about fishtail braid?
IV. How to French braid your own hair: Curling your hair with braids, why not!
Besides letting the braids shine in its own way about how to French braid your own hair black hair, have you ever heard of curling your hair using braids? It must be quite a lot on how to double French braid your own hair, right!
This is a damage free method which is simpler than the flexi rods or the overnight scarf on how to double French braid your own hair. Just by plaiting your hair and letting it stay still overnight, you have styled for yourself a pretty curly hairstyle!

How to French braid your own hair for beginners: Curl your hair with braid!
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