Having dreadlocks hairstyle will make you appear outstanding and unique. However, the maintenance and daily washing of the hair dreads are great challenges to a lot of people. In fact, the process of cleaning the hair strands will be more convenient if you apply the relevant products and techniques. This article will give you an insight into the characteristics of this hairstyle as well as how to clean dreads with detailed steps.

How to clean dreads: 5 wonderful steps to wash your strands
1. How to clean dreads: Summary about hair dreads?
Before going to the answer for the question How to clean dreads, here is basic knowledge about this hairstyle that would be necessary for newbies. The guideline for hair cleaning will be revealed in the next part.
1.1. How to clean dreads: How can I define the hair dreads?
Hair dreads are the way people roll, twist, braid or backcomb the hair to make rope-like clumps. This hairstyle not only impresses your strong personalities but also stands for the pride of some ethnic groups. The first dreadlock hair appeared in Greece and then this style has been spreaded to multiple regions and modified a lot.
There are some main types of dreadlocks that are used widely by people at any age and gender such as the traditional long dreads, Bohemian dreadlocks, Twisted dreadlocks and so on. Each type has separated technique to make and is popular in a particular region or among a group of people. Besides chooosing the hair extension items from top best hair suppliers, you can definitely style the hair with your own hair as well.

How to clean dreads: How can I define the hair dreads?
1.2. How to clean dreads: How the dreads are made
If you are wondering how dreads are made so amazingly, here is the answers. With these 4 following steps, the hair dreads are completed.
- Step 1: Thoroughly wash your hair and cleanse your scalp. Because the dreads will be fastened on your head for a long period, make sure your hair is clean before twisting. After you’ve washed your hair, apply the deep conditioner to keep the strands nourished and lustrous.
- Step 2: Using a hair dryer or letting it air dry, fully dry your hair. To avoid the effects of excessive temperature, do not hold a drier too near to the scalp. Air drying, on the other hand, takes longer but is better for your hair.
- Step 3: Section your hair into 1-inch sections on the scalp once it has dried. The hair tie can be used to keep each part of hair isolated at the root. Using the Dutch or French braiding styles, begin braiding piece by section into identical strands. Elastics should be tied at the conclusion of each segment.
- Step 4: Once you’ve finished the braid out of your hair, add the wax to each strand and roll it between your palms until it dreads.

How to clean dreads: How the dreads are made
1.3. How to clean dreads: The features of hair dreads
The pros of hair dreads:
- Individual definition: The dreads exude a cool, energetic, mysterious, and one-of-a-kind attitude. Apart from ethnics that wear this hairstyle as a heritage, many individuals twist dreads to express their personalities and emotions. Meanwhile, some individuals try dreadlocks as a challenge to change up their appearance.
- Maintenance that pays off: Hair dreads don’t need to be washed as often because the hair is set in place. Normally, the twisted dreads only need to be washed every two weeks or even longer. The dreadlocks will then be strengthened and loosen as a result of the water.
- Knot-free: When hair strands are knotted together, there are no hair knots, and tangles are unusual. As a result, when twisting dreads, you won’t have to deal with the agony or discomfort caused by hair knots in your brush.
- Reduce everyday styling: After twisting your dreads, you may leave them straight for 6 to 12 weeks before retwisting. The longevity of your dreads is determined on the sorts of dreads you created and how well you preserved them. You don’t have to waste time every day choosing on and styling your hair.
- Fashionable appearance: This hairstyle will make you look relaxed and aggressive at the same time, regardless of the type of dreadlocks you choose. Many celebs and fashionistas twist their dreads because dreads make them look more unique and stunning. This hairstyle is also top best selling item of many hair in bulk resellers all over the world.

How to clean dreads: The features of hair dreads
The cons of hair dreads:
- Limited convenience and hygiene: As previously said, you do not need to wash your dreadlocks as regularly as other hairstyles since they capture and keep dirt on your hair strands more than other hairstyles that can be cleaned frequently. Furthermore, twisting dreads causes your scalp to stretch out and bear the pressure, which can be uncomfortable.
- Consuming time and effort: Because you have to twist dreadlocks for little parts of hair, making dreadlocks for the entire scalp would save a lot of time. Furthermore, dreads hair needs meticulous rolling in order to maintain the braids level and uniform. The more dreads you have, the more time and work you’ll have to put in.
- Unexpected attention: While hair dreads are widespread in a variety of cultures and ethics, they may be unusual in other countries. As a result, if this hairstyle isn’t widely used in your area, you could attract unwelcome attention and interest. When you twist dreads, though, you will undoubtedly stand out from the crowd.
1.4. How to clean dreads: Tips for maintenance
Below are 3 easy tips you can follow to maintain your hair dreads ar home.

How to clean dreads: Tips for maintenance
- Regular moisturizing: As dreadlocks get longer, the strands become drier and more susceptible to breakage. To maintain your hair smooth and silky, you should invest in the finest moisturizer for men and women. Supplements are also an option.
- Washing the dreads properly: To avoid the negative effects of chemicals, use a shampoo with natural components. Apply the conditioner after washing to maintain the moisture balance of the strands. Make sure the shampoo isn’t left on the dreads after they’ve been washed, and that they’ve thoroughly dried.
- Caring for your hair during sleep: When you sleep, your dreads might become fuzzy. As a result, before staying up, you should put on a silk hat. This sleeping bonnet will keep your hair strands nourished and in good form. If you don’t have a hat, a silk scarf can be used.
2. How to clean dreads?
Here is the part that you have been waiting for. This part will show you the way to clean your dreads properly.
2.1. When do I need to clean my dreads?
There are some certain signs that remind you to clean your dreads:
Firstly, you get an itchy and overly greasy feeling on your scalp. Unlike the flakes, this is resulted from the sebum buildup. Too much oil substance on your scalp would make the dirt stay longer on your head skin and stick on your new growing hair.
Secondly, it’s time for you to clean your dreads if they get sticky. When your dreads are sticky, they can attract the dirt, lint, ect more easily. The cause of this issue may be the leftover shampoo at the last washing.

When do I need to clean my dreads?
Finally, when you find the smell of your dreads is terrific, wash them immediately. Although the dreadlocks do not require regular washing, your scalp still sweat and is stuck by dirt. Thus, after a certain time without washing, the dreads as well as the scalp will have a bad smell that may have a negative impact on your confidence and the impression of other people about you.
2.2. How to clean dreads: 3 methods with detailed steps
Method 1:
- Baking soda
- Vinegar
- Warm water
- Natural essential oil (tea tree, rosemary…)
- Lemon juice
Steps to clean the dreads:
- Step 1: Take a sink of warm or hot water, make sure that you will not scald yourself. Dissolve 3/4 cup of baking soda in the water. Add 10 drops of essential oil and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice in the liquid.
- Step 2: Soak your dreads up to the root of strands in the mixture for 5 to 10 minutes. During this time, the baking soda will strip away the oil, dirt and other buildup while the lemon juice will kill the odor and avoid mildew.
- Step 3: After 10 minutes, get your dreads out from the baking soda water and rinse the hair with cool water. Make sure that there are directs on your scalp exposure to water.
- Step 4: Mix the vinegar and water at a ratio of 1:3. Rinse the liquid over your head skin and evenly through your dreads. Leave it in or rinse it out.
- Step 5: You can use a towel or dryer to dry out your hair dreads. Make sure that all the strands are completely dried before you put on a hat or scarf.

How to clean dreads: 3 methods with detailed steps
Method 2:
- A shampoo especially used for dreads
Steps to shampoo dreads:
- Step 1: Rinse the dreads with warm water, make sure all the strands are wet, including the hairlines. The warm water helps the buildup easy to remove, makes the scalp absorb the essence of shampoo more effectively.
- Step 2: Take a certain amount of shampoo into your palm. If the texture is solid, rub it between your hands until a rich lather is formed. The relevant shampoo for dreads is the one that does not leave a residue of any kind. The texture should not be wax, gel and contain other additives that add to the buildup instead of washing it.
- Step 3: Apple the shampoo on your hair dreads and scalp thoroughly. Scrub your head skin gently by the fingertips to remove the sebum and dirt. Massage the roots of your dreads as well as the hairlines.
- Step 4: Use the cool water to rinse the shampoo through your dreads. Make sure that there is no lather or shampoo remaining on your locs after rinsing as the leftover will make your locs loosen and sticky.
- Step 5: Squeeze your hair with a dry towel and dry the dreads with a dryer. It is advised that you should keep the heat of the hairdryer at medium temperatures. Dry out the strands completely.

How to clean dreads: 3 methods with detailed steps
Method 3:
- Wash your hair regularly, at least once a week to reduce the excess sebum and bad smell. You can consider deep cleaning your dreads every two weeks.
- Have a gentle massage on your scalp whenever you clean your dreads. Use the fingertips to press lightly on your hairlines, roots of strands to boost the blood flow and remove the buildup.
- Avoid using the hair conditioner as it will detangle and soften your hair threads. It means your dreads will get loosen and their structure will be attacked. You should use the aloe gel or tightening spray as a replacement.
- As you should not apply the conditioner after washing, you should have a habit of applying essential oil daily to hydrate your hair dreads. This product will provide the moisture as well as minimize the itchiness and irritation on your scalp.

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