The first thing that you would wonder when you first hear about hand-tied weft: “Is there even another way to make wefts hair?”.
Well, you are not the only ones. After 5 years of working in this business, I have received hundreds of questions about this hand-technology kind of weft, which is a motivation for me to show you all the differences between hand-tied wefts and the kind of wefts that we have already known: machine wefts.
1. Hand-Tied Wefts.
No one ever knows exactly when hand-tied wefts were made. However, it is believed that hand-tied hair was first made by traditional hair villages in the north of Vietnam. They have discovered a way which is using needles and stitches to sew the hair in a line so it can be easily installed on people’s head. The hand-tied weft was one of the first types of hair extensions that we use nowadays.
Indeed, the name of it explains everything. The hand-tied wefts are sewed by hands into many small pieces of hair.

2. Machine Wefts.
Obviously, the demand for using hair, which is being beautiful, has significantly increased. Hand-tied wefts can not sufficiently meet the customer’s needs for beauty. Therefore, some experienced hair workers, also in Vietnam, has invented the machine, which is similar to the sewing machine, that can sew hair way more efficiently than people. The popular type of machine used by factories is the 3-needle-wefting machine. K-Hair Factory, for example, is a well-known factory applying this technology. This is how weft hair extensions are made in K-Hair
3. The differences between Hand-Tied Wefts and Machine Wefts
3.1. Appearance
It is obvious to distinguish between hand-tied wefts and machine wefts. The hand-made type has bigger pieces of hair while the higher technology weft has smaller and more equal pieces. How about closure? You can read more here.
However, because hand-tied wefts are made by hands so the volume of hair sewed is less, therefore, thinner than machine weft. This is an outstanding strong point of the first kind because thinner hair will be easier to conceal the weft lines, creating a more natural look. That’s why hand-tied wefts are “old but gold”.

3.2. Client’s Preferences: Hand-tied Wefts or Machine Weft?
This is also one of the reasons why this traditional type of weft still survived. As mentioned above, hand-tied extensions are thinner, therefore lighter than machine ones.
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Clients with weak and sparse natural hair are undoubtedly suitable for this kind of extension. On the contrary, machine weft is perfect for dense and durable natural hair.
3.3. Installation.
This is a huge difference between these 2 kinds. As we all know, a bundle of machine weft hair has long width (about 40-50 inches). Therefore, the hairdresser must cut the weft to different smaller pieces to fit the client’s head. On the other hand, hand weft is shorter so it can be flexibly installed.
There are a lot of buyers, especially hairstylists wonder: “I am trained to install the hand-tied extension. Am I able to use machine weft too?”
Well, the process is basically the same for both types. If you are professional enough, you will manage to use all.
You can see how this hairstylist skillfully beads machine weft extension
3.4. Price.
Let’s move to the aspect that we all care about: Prices.
Well, it is not difficult to know that machine weft is cheaper than the traditional one from a famous hair factory. The reason for this is obviously that machines can produce weft 10 times faster than people. Meanwhile, hand-tied sewing hair is made by human effort, which will be way more costly.
Nowadays, hand-tied wefts are rare and almost all factories have moved to make the machine one due to their lower prices.
3.5. Durability
Obviously, the higher-technology weft will last longer than the traditional one. Machine weft is made with 3 needle-wefting machine and super hair glue while the hand-tied extension is only produced with normal needle and stitches.
Therefore, you will never witness sheddings while using machine weft, especially this item from a prestigious wholesale hair distributor. On the other hand, the hand-technology weft will occasionally shed.
Due to all the information above, I guess you all figure out what are hand-tied and machine wefts and also their differences. We do not advise you to focus on a particular type but flexibly using all kinds to satisfy your customers.
If you need further useful information about hair extensions and hair business, I highly recommend you read Charles’s Blog – a 5 year-experience expert in human hair from K-Hair or contact: WhatsApp: +84833799888 for the best advice.
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