Dreadlocks is a hairstyle that has been created for years. While in the past, it was considered as a convenient style for warriors, at present hair with dreads provides the unique, cool and stunning look for people. However, the method to make dreadlocks seems to be complicated for the newbies, but it does not mean that you can not make it yourself. This article will provide guidance for you to twist dreads at home.

Twist dreads: 4 steps to make amazing dreadlocks at home
1. Summary about twist dreads
Are you new to the dreadlocks hairstyle? Don’t worry, before knowing how to twist dreads, this part will give you a comprehensive overview about the dreadlocks hair with a review attached.
1.1. Twist dreads: What are dreads?
Dreads are rope-like clumps, which are made by some typical methods like rolling, twisting, braiding or backcombing. Dreadlocks hairstyle is recognized as the representation of the ethnic pride and also brings a fashionable look for people.
The dreadlocks are worn by people of all ages, from the young to the old, from men to women. The first appearance of dreadlocks was in Greece, then it was adopted by different ethnics and was flexibly modified. People in different regions not only twist dreads but also color them for distinct purposes.

Twist dreads: What are dreads?
1.2. Twist dreads: The characteristics of dreads
Although the dreads appeared a long time ago, instead of being ruined or disappearing, this hairstyle becomes more and more favored. The reason is that dreadlocks hair brings multiple advantages:
- Knotting-free: When the hair strands are twisted fixed together, there are no hair knots and the chance to get hair tangled is rare. Thus, when you twist dreads, you will not have to suffer from the pain or hurt when your brush is troubled by the hair knots.
- Fashionable appearance: No matter which type of dreadlocks you wear, you will look chill and fierce at the same time with this hairstyle. Numerous celebrities and fashionistas twist dreads as the hair with locs make them appear more special and impressive.
- Individual definition: The dreads offer a vibe of being cool and energetic as well as mysterious and unique. Not to mention the ethnics wearing this hairstyle as a tradition, a lot of people twist dreads to show their personalities and moods. Meanwhile, some people give the dreadlocks a try as a challenge to refresh their look.
- Profitable maintenance: The hair locs do not require too many times of washing as the hair is fixed in a position. Normally, you just have to wash the twisted dreads every two weeks or even longer. The water will then strengthen and loosen the dreadlocks.
- Reduce daily styling: Once you twist dreads, you can keep this hairstyle straight from 6 to 12 weeks before retwisting. The particular durability is based on the types of locs you made and the preservation. You do not have to waste time on deciding and styling your hair every day.

Twist dreads: The characteristics of dreads
However, like other hairstyles, dreadlocks still have some drawbacks that people should take into account before wearing it:
- Time and effort to make: As you have to twist dreads for small sections of hair, the time to make a whole scalp dreadlocks would be great. In addition, the hair with locs requires you to carefully roll it up, keep the braid out even and identical. The longer the dreads are, the more time and effort you have to invest in.
- Limited hygiene and comfort: As mentioned before, you do not have to wash your dreadlocks too often, it would catch and retain the dirt on your hair strands more than other hairstyles that can be washed frequently. Moreover, when you twist dreads, your scalp would be stretched out and bear the pressure, which may cause uncomfort.
- Unwanted attention: Although hair locks are common in a number of regions and ethics, it may be strange in other nations. Thus, when this hairstyle is not popular in your area, you may catch unwanted attention and curiosity. However, it is sure that you will be outstanding in the crowd when you twist dreads.
1.3. Twist dreads: Typical styles of dreads
As there are different methods to twist dreads, each one of which will result in a distinct style of locs. Here are some main styles of dreadlocks:

Twist dreads: Typical styles of dreads
Long hot dreadlocks
This is one of the earliest styles of dreads that appeared a long time ago. This method to twist dreads is surprisingly applied by both men and women. Each strand of dreads can have the length of one meter. Beside letting the dreadlocks hang freely, you can wrap them up to a bun or tie a top knot.
Cornrows and dreadlocks
This style of dread is quite complicated as you have to twist dreads as well as know how to do cornrows properly. The combination of cornrows and dreadlocks will make your hairline more visible and the hair seems to stick against the scalp more. As the hair will be twisted tightly, you should not keep this style on your head for a long time to avoid the hurt.

Twist dreads: Typical styles of dreads
Bohemian dreadlocks
This style of dreads offers a “wild” and free taste. You can dye the hair into a blonde ombre color or bleach the hair strands to improve the look. This hairstyle can combine with the undercut style to boost the unique appearance.

Twist dreads: Typical styles of dreads
Twisted dreadlocks
If you have long but thin hair, this style of dread is relevant to you. You should have a hairdresser twist dreads for you and use the hair strands to make a crisscross on your scalp. You can even dye the strands into different colors to make your dreadlocks more stunning.
Short dreads style for men
This style of dread is low-maintenance but significantly popular and trendy among the men. Simply, you have your hair undercut two sides and even the nuchal then twist dreads at the frontal and crown parts. This style of dreadlocks can be worn daily or even for the events.

Twist dreads: Typical styles of dreads
Ponytail/ Updo dreadlocks
You can twist dreads the same as the traditional long hot dreads. After that, tie the dread strands up to have a ponytail style. Meanwhile, you can section the dreadlocks into upper and lower parts. Make a bun of the upper part at the top of your scalp to make an updo dreadlocks style.
2. Can I twist dreads at home?
Although the way to twist dreads is considered challenging, you can definitely make it at home by yourself besides finding hair suppliers for you for available dreadlock hair extensions. There are several tutorial videos on Youtube to make dreadlocks, you can also take the steps below into account to make simple dreadlocks at home.
2.1. Steps to twist dreads
Braids out is one of the easiest styles of dreadlocks. Here are steps to twist dreads by braiding technique with full details.
- Step 1: Wash your hair and cleanse the scalp carefully. As the dreads will stay fixed on your head for a long time, make sure that before twisting, the hair is clean. Apply the deep conditioner after washing to keep your hair strands hydrated and have a shiny look.
- Step 2: Dry your hair completely by using a dryer or let it air dry. If you use a dryer, do not hold it too close to the scalp to avoid the impact of high temperature. Otherwise, air drying requires more time but is safer for your hair.
- Step 3: When your hair is dried, section it into 1-inch parts on the scalp. You can use the hair tie to keep each section separated at the root. Start braiding section by section into identical strands by using the Dutch style or French style of braiding. Secure at the end of each section with elastics.
- Step 4: After finishing braiding hair, apply the wax on each strand of hair and roll it concurrently between your palms until it dreads.

Steps to twist dreads
2.2. How to re-twist dreads?
After 6 to 12 weeks, your hair will grow out and you have to re-twist dreads to retain the form of your hair. This process is quick and simple to do.
You should start from the hair sections at the nape of your neck. You can wrap up the upper dreads to twist the lower ones more easily. Apply a small amount of wax or hair gel on your fingers and take a dread, gather the loose hair and new growing hair at its base and twist it between your fingers. After that, apply dreadlock wax on your palms and firmly roll the finger twisted hair between your palms. Repeat these steps with other hair sections.

How to re-twist dreads?
2.2. How to maintain the twist dreads
Here are some tips for you to maintain the form and condition of your dreadlocks after knowing how to twist dreads.
- Washing the dreads properly: Use the shampoo with natural ingredients to avoid the bad impact of chemicals. After washing, apply the conditioner to keep the balance of hydration for strands. Make sure that the shampoo is not retained after washing and the dreads are dried completely.
- Regular moisturizing: When the dreadlocks get longer, the strands get drier and can be easily broken. Thus, you should invest in the best hair moisturizer for men and women to keep the hair smooth and soft. You can also take some supplements.
- Caring for your hair while you are sleeping: The dreadlocks can be fuzzy when you sleep. Thus, you should put on a silk bonnet before going to bed. This sleeping hat can keep your hair strands in shape and hydrated. If there is no bonnet, you can use a silk scarf as a replacement.

How to maintain the twist dreads
3. Twist dreads: Hair extensions for dreadlocks
If you find the process to twist dreads time-consuming or the maintenance of the hair dreads is complicated, you can go for the hair extensions dreadlocks. This hair item can offer a natural look of locs with long durability. You can easily choose the thickness and length of dreads based on your interest.
You can also take off the hair extensions dreadlocks before going to bed, which is beneficial for your scalp and natural hair. The hair extensions for dreads are made from human hair, synthetic hair or fabric. The human hair loc extensions have the most luxurious quality and longest durability. Meanwhile, synthetic hair dreadlocks have cheaper prices. You can purchase the type of hair that can meet your demands.

Twist dreads: Hair extensions for dreadlocks
K-Hair have provided the information about the dreadlocks hairstyle and guideline to twist dreads at home. Hope that our tips and knowledge are helpful for you. Visit the official website of K-Hair Factory to read more useful articles.
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