As the billion-dollar hair business emerged, a lot of people started their own hair business to become a wholesale hair vendor. But do you have no idea about which hair warehouse you should import hair from? Or you are struggling with a bunch of questions about hair warehouses? We are here to support you with general knowledge about hair warehouse all over the world, and top best wholesale hair manufacturers for your business.

Hair Warehouse

K-Hair, the best wholesale hair warehouse in Vietnam, is offering amazing wholesale deal. Contact now!
1/ Basic knowledge about hair warehouse
In the first section, we will discuss about definition and advantages of importing hair from hair warehouse, so that you will have a clearer view about hair warehouse
1.1/ Definition of hair warehouse
Hair warehouse refers to the one that directly produces hair extensions or human hair bulk. The hair extensions will be produced in large quantities and various types of products in hair warehouses.
The manufacturer of hair extension products has several names, such as: hair factory, hair firm or hair manufacture, etc.
Here is one of the best hair factories (hair warehouses) all over the world – K-Hair factory:
>> See more: Wholesale hair vendors USA
1.2/ Distinguish the difference between hair warehouse and hair reseller
Hair resellers refers to those who buy hair extensions in large quantities from hair warehouses, and then resell them to other sellers or end-users. Hair resellers are often regarded as the intermediaries, a distributed channel between original wholesale hair warehouses with smaller scale sellers or end users.
In terms of price, it can be said that the price offered by resellers is not as competitive as the one offered by wholesale hair warehouses or also wholesale hair vendors factories. As mentioned before, hair warehouses are those that directly produce hair extensions. Therefore, the price from hair warehouses or wholesale hair supply vendors is regarded as the best price – the factory price. Meanwhile resellers are intermediaries. This means that the price offered by resellers is higher than the original price.
Wholesale hair warehouse | Wholesale hair reseller |
Original hair supplier | Intermediaries |
Directly manufacture hair extensions | Buy hair extensions from factory and then resell to other people |
Own standard hair factory | No factories |
Original price | Higher price |

Hair warehouse vs hair reseller
1.3/ Should I import hair from the hair warehouse?
Importing hair from warehouse bring significant advantages for your hair business:
- Guarantee quality: As you can directly check the hair extensions supplied by the hair warehouse, you can make sure that the quality of products when buying hair in bulk can meet your requirements. Besides, the hair warehouse is the manufacturer of hair extensions, so that there aren’t any intermediaries, which means that the quality of hair extensions of what you see and what you receive will be guaranteed.
- Best price: As there are no intermediaries, customers can get the best price – the original price.
- Various products: Hair warehouse offer a wide range of products in length, style, quality …, you can look up favorite products for your hair business
- Discount in wholesale order: As long as you buy in large quantities, hair warehouses will offer you wholesale price. This definitely benefits your business.
- Stable hair source for business: Having long-term commitment with wholesale hair warehouses means that you can remain a stable hair input for your business, meeting different or sudden demands of customers.
2/ Various types of hair extensions supplied by hair warehouse
Have you ever wondered how many types of hair warehouses supply? We can divide into 3 subclasses of hair extensions offered by hair warehouses: hair extensions based on hair material, installation method and hairstyle. Let’s discover!
2.1/ Based on the hair material supplied by hair warehouse
There are 2 main kinds of hair material offered by hair warehouses namely human hair extension and synthetic hair extension
2.1.1/ Human hair extension of hair warehouse
Human hair extension distributed from hair warehouses refers to extension products made out of 100% real hair.

Different human hair material supplied by hair warehouse
- Virgin hair extensions supplied by hair warehouse
Virgin hair is the most superior type of hair, which is collected directly from only 1 donor. Virgin hair is of exceptional quality with the purest texture. Therefore, hair warehouses often sell virgin hair extensions at a high price.
- Remy hair extensions supplied by hair warehouse
Remy hair is gathered from multiple donors. Therefore the consistency of hair texture is not as high as virgin hair, but the quality is still guaranteed. Hair warehouses and wholesale hair supply vendors provide customers with remy hair extensions in various types and lengths at affordable price.
- Non-remy hair extensions supplied by hair warehouse
Non-remy hair is mixed hair, collected massly from various people. The cuticle of hair strands don’t follow the same direction, leading to the fact that non-remy hair extensions supplied by hair warehouses will be in low-quality and short lifespan. Non-remy hair extensions will be sold by wholesale hair supply vendors at a cheap price.
2.1.2/ Synthetic hair extension of hair warehouse
Synthetic hair is man-made hair, which was made out of artificial fibers. Hair warehouses will put fibers under a lot of chemical processes to achieve the look and color like real human hair.
Synthetic hair extensions from wholesale hair supply vendors are low-rated because they are undurable, easily tangled and matted. However, they are still popular because of their cheap cost. In fact, wholesale hair warehouses often sell synthetic hair extensions at low prices.

Synthetic hair extension of hair warehouse
2.2/ Based on the installation method supplied by hair warehouse
There are a wide range of hair extensions which vary in installation method. We would like to introduce top 5 most popular hair extensions supplied by hair warehouses as follow
2.2.1/ Clip-in hair extension supplied by hair warehouse
Clip-in hair extension from wholesale hair supply vendors is hair extensions that have a clip base. Thanks to the its easy attachment, convenience and comfortability, clip in hair extensions from wholesale hair supplies are said to be the most popular hair extension products supplied by hair warehouses,
2.2.2/ Tape-in hair extension supplied by hair warehouse
Tape-in hair extension from wholesale hair supplies is a kind of hair extension attached to sticky tabs. Tape-in hair extensions from hair warehouses are widely beloved and used because of their well-blended and natural look. They gradually become a must-have item for every girl.
2.2.3/ Sew-in hair extension supplied by hair warehouse
Sew-in or weft hair extension from human hair warehouse is hair strands attached together, then they will be sewn onto your hair. The application of sew-in hair extensions should be conducted by skillful hairstylists of wholesale hair supplies. Sew-in hair extension is an ideal choice to add length and volume to your hair, bringing you a long, voluminous and gorgeous appearance. Hair warehouses provide customers with various choices of sew-in hair extensions, diverse in colors, length and hair types.

Clip-in, tape-in and sew-in hair extensions supplied by hair warehouse
2.2.4/ U-tip hair extension supplied by hair warehouse
This is a kind of hot hair extension supplied by the hair warehouses or hair vendor supplier. U-tip hair extension attachment requires heated tools and skillful technique.
U-tip hair extensions from wholesale hair supplies are well-blended and can rock your short and thin hair to a completely long and charming appearance. They are one of the most favorite hair extensions among various types supplied by hair warehouses.
2.2.5/ Ponytail hair extension supplied by hair warehouse
Ponytail hair extensions from human hair warehouse are ideal hair pieces which help to add length and volume to your natural hair. Wholesale hair warehouses supply ponytail hair extensions in many colors, types and quality to meet different demands of worldwide customers.

U-tip and ponytail hair extensions supplied by hair warehouse
2.3/ Based on the hairstyles supplied by hair warehouse
- Bone straight hairstyle: This haircut will present to you an enchanting and rich appearance. It also looks vigorous and energetic. Young ladies with square faces are truly appropriate with straight hair extensions from human hair warehouse, so you can check it out and you will surely fall in love with it.

Bone straight hairstyle supplied by hair warehouse
- Wavy hairstyle: Wavy hair extensions are supposed to be brought into the world for everybody. This hairdo can coordinate with all states of appearances. Long wavy hair bonds from wholesale hair store can conceal all your drawbacks, presenting to you a flawless look.

Wavy hairstyle supplied by hair warehouse
- Curly hairstyle: this hairstyle has become more and more trendy. If you want to rock your hair to a different and fashionable look, curly hair extensions from hair product warehouse is definitely what you need. Don’t worry about looking strange. Curly hair is suitable for many styles and outfits. Wearing makeup and matched accessories, you will be standing out of the crowd.

Curly hairstyle supplied by hair warehouse
3/ Which hair warehouse should I import from for my business?
There are a bunch of hair warehouses supplying various types of wholesale hair products and hair extensions. In this part, we will take a further analysis of hair warehouses in different countries. Hope that it will help you to have an insightful view about this billion-dollar business, so that you can choose a suitable hair warehouse to supply the best wholesale hair products for your business.
3.1/ Basic knowledge about worldwide hair warehouse
We will provide you with basic information about hair warehouses in several huge hair markets namely: Vietnam, China, India, Brazil, South Africa and Europe. Let’s discover!
3.1.1/ Hair warehouse in Vietnam
Almost all hair warehouses in Vietnam supply virgin and remy hair extensions. The hair extensions from hair warehouses in Vietnam is high-rated because of their clear origin, high quality, and reasonable price.
>> See more: Hair supplier near me
- Clear origin: Vietnamese hair warehouses collect hair directly from native women, who live in mountainous areas with long, strong, silky, and natural color hair.
- High quality: Thanks to the qualified hair material, hair extensions and wholesale hair products from Vietnamese hair warehouses are high-rated because of their strength, pureness, well-blended hair texture and long-lasting lifespan. Furthermore, virgin hair extensions imported from hair warehouses in Vietnam are able to bleach to light color.
- Reasonable price: The available hair resource contributes to the competitive price of wholesale hair products offered by Vietnamese hair warehouses. With the high quality and affordable price, hair extensions originated from hair warehouses in Vietnam are beloved and widely used by international customers from many continents.

High quality of extensions from hair warehouse in Vietnam
3.1.2/ Hair warehouse in China
In fact, almost all the hair source of Chinese hair warehouses came from surrounding countries. The large scale and mass production of hair warehouses in China require them to seek a stable hair resource. Therefore, Chinese hair warehouses rely on imported hair from other countries like Laos, Campuchia … . Leading to the fact that the huge amount of imported hair is almost mixed hair in low-quality. What is more, some Chinese hair warehouses even use animal hair as a source for hair extension products. Hair extensions from chinese hair warehouse still popular thanks to its cheap price and abundant quantity in stock at their wholesale hair store.
- Cheap price: the mass production of hair extensions in Chinese hair warehouses contributes to the amazingly cheap price of wholesale hair store in comparison with other hair warehouses. However, it can’t be denied that “Price goes with quality”. We recommend that before deciding to purchase hair extensions from one of these hair warehouses, you should make sure that the quality of that human hair warehouse can meet your expectations.
- Abundant quantity in stock: The large scale of hair business of hair product warehouse helps chinese hair warehouses have a large quantity in stock. Therefore, hair warehouses in China can easily meet the demand for large quantities of hair extensions.

Hair warehouse in China
3.1.3/ Hair warehouse in India
Indian hair warehouses are well-known for their cheap hair extensions and pretty good quality
- Acceptable quality: Hair warehouses from India provide customers with hair extensions made of temple hair. Temple hair is often natural hair which hasn’t ever been chemically processed.
- Cheap price: the simple manufacture method and low-cost labor help Indian hair warehouses offer customers with cheap hair extensions
Although the hair extensions supplied by Indian hair warehouses are cheap and various, we recommend that you should consider carefully before buying products from these hair warehouses. In fact, a significant amount of hair material in Indian hair warehouses is mixed hair, or ball hair. Ball hair refers to hair collected massly in public places. This hair material is originally damaged, fragile and matted. After being put through chemical processes by the hair product warehouse, these mixed hair extensions are really weak and even harmful for your health.

Hair extensions supplied by hair warehouse in India
3.1.4/ Hair warehouse in Brazil
Hair warehouses in Brazil are famous for their qualified hair extensions. Hair extensions supplied by Brazilian hair warehouses are considered high-end items in the beauty industry. Real Brazilian hair extensions from Brazilian hair product warehouse are strong and thick with natural black color. Due to the excellent quality and shortage of hair source, Brazilian hair extensions are sold at expensive price
In fact, there are a few Brazilian hair warehouses that gather hair from native Brazilian women. Almost all Brazilian hair extensions are made of hair source imported from China or India. The word “Brazilian” is tagged by hair warehouses just to attract the attention of customers of Brazilian wholesale hair store. This is a way for Brazilian hair warehouses to meet the high demand of the market as well as make profits for themselves.

Hair warehouse in Brazil
3.1.5/ Hair warehouse in South Africa
Hair warehouses in South Africa often offer their customers various types of hair extensions at a competitive price
- Various types: Hair warehouses in South Africa produce a wide range of hair extension products to meet different demands from diverse numbers of customers ranging from clip in, tape in … to weft hair, closures or wigs.
- Cheap price: In fact, hair warehouses in South Africa often manufacture hair extensions from low-quality and mixed hair like non-remy hair. In addition, the low-cost labor force also contributes to the cheap rice offered by these hair warehouses in South Africa.

Hair warehouse in South Africa
3.1.6/ Hair warehouse in Europe
Hair warehouses in Europe are popular for their qualified hair extensions. Almost all hair material in European hair warehouses came from Russia. The quality of hair from hair product warehouse is excellent with natural blond color. Hair extensions supplied by hair warehouses in Europe are considered to be one of the most luxurious beauty items and beloved by customers from all over the world. However, due to the shortage of hair source, the hair extensions originated from European hair warehouses will cost you an arm and leg!

Hair warehouse in Europe
3.2/ Conclusion and recommendation
We would like to show you a brief table containing necessary and prominent information about each hair warehouse in different areas. Please note that this table is based on the information collected from many sources and advice from experts, therefore the reliability is up to 90%..
Hair warehouses in Vietnam | Hair warehouses in China | Hair warehouses in India | Hair warehouses in Brazil | Hair warehouses in South Africa | Hair warehouses in Europe | |
Origin | Native mountainous women | Imported from India, Laos, Campuchia… | Temple hair and mixed hair | Imported from Vietnam, China and India | From local people, almost is low-quality hair | Originated from Russia but scarce |
Quality | 9/10 | 6/10 | 5/10 | 9/10 | 6/10 | 9/10 |
Price | 8/10 | 8/10 | 8/10 | 3/10 | 6/10 | 3/10 |
Advice | Optimal choice for customers focusing on high-quality extensions at the most reasonable price | Suitable for consumers who want to import sufficient quantity hair at cheap price | Suitable for consumers with low budget and have no demand on quality | Ideal choice for people who have demand on excellent quality | Suitable choice for customers who have no demand on qualified and durable hair | Ideal choice for consumers who seek exceptional quality hair extensions in blond colors |
4/ Price of hair extensions supplied hair warehouse
We would like to provide a brief price table of hair extensions from top hair warehouses in different countries mentioned before. This is a wholesale price list of natural bulk hair from several hair product warehouse, the price is $/kg.

Price from different hair warehouses
As you can see from the table, there is a difference in price between hair warehouses from Vietnam, China, India and Brazil, Europe. As the quality of hair extensions supplied by hair warehouses in Brazil and Europe is excellent, therefore the hair extensions from these hair warehouses will be sold at an extra high price.
In contrast, the wholesale price from Vietnamese and Asian countries is more affordable. As mentioned before, the quality of Chinese and Indian hair extensions is low, therefore hair warehouses from these countries will offer products at amazingly cheap prices in comparison with Brazilian and European hair warehouses. However, although the price of Vietnamese hair extensions is higher than Chinese and Indian extensions, the quality of products is far more superior. Thus, in terms of quality, price and long-term benefit, hair extensions from Vietnamese warehouses are believed to be the first choice for end users as well as wholesale hair vendors..
5/ How to find reliable hair warehouse?
There are a bunch of hair warehouses for people to purchase hair extensions. Most people find it difficult to look up a qualified product from a reliable hair warehouse. Don’t worry, we are here to help you with this.
5.1/ Finding hair warehouse near me for personal use

Finding hair warehouse near me for personal use
Owning a gorgeous hair extension is a dream of every girl and woman. But choosing a reliable and qualified hair warehouse to buy is not easy. We are here to support you with some steps to find a trustworthy hair warehouse.
+ First and foremost, looking for a hair stockroom close to you on Google Sites and other social medias
+ Furthermore, read all the store data cautiously and check the posing incessant inquiries to have an intensive information about the items just as how to buy an item from this hair distribution center.
+ Thirdly, finding or requesting some client input from this hair stockroom.
+ Last, I suggest you should contact the agent of this hair stockroom and have a sensible arrangement to have a decent buy.

How to find a hair warehouse
5.2/ Finding reliable wholesale hair warehouse for business?
So how about finding a reliable wholesale hair warehouse to import hair from? If you are a hair business owner, this section is for you. We will provide you with several standards suggested by our experts to identify a qualified hair warehouse. Hope that they will be helpful for you.
5.2.1/ Regular update information by hair warehouse
A dependable hair warehouse has no excuses for not updating information and news about their business oftentimes. It can be said that updating photos and videos is not only to promote their hair extensions, but also by that, customers can evaluate whether this warehouse is active and trustworthy enough for them to purchase from or not.
Furthermore, while looking through a wholesale hair warehouse, you ought to consider whether these photos and videos of items truly belong to them or not. In addition, you can actually take a look at their online journals or articles. Assuming their websites are composed by their knowledgeable experts and valuable to you, this shows that they are reliable hair warehouses.

Regular update information by hair warehouse
5.2.2/ Customer support and consultancy from hair warehouse in time
At the absolute first season of discussion, you can actually take a look at their backing disposition. A solid hair warehouse is continually ready to answer and support any individual who accompanies them in no time. Proficient wholesale hair distributors are likewise consistently accessible to offer you guidance, regardless of whether you are not their clients.
Nonetheless, perhaps you can meet some questionable hair warehouses that have inadmissible help perspectives. They have no eagerness and tolerance in clarifying your inquiries in general. They simply attempt to sell their items and gain money.

Customer support and consultancy from hair warehouse in time
5.2.3/ Guaranteed quality products by hair warehouse
A solid hair warehouse will assist you with really taking a look at the nature of the hair extensions. Assuming you are welcome to go to their distribution center or factory, check the real quality of the hair extensions, which helps to make sure that the hair extension items are qualified.
Besides, often updating the status of your order is another factor for you to evaluate. This also means that the customers can keep track of the hair warehouse, making sure that there are no unexpected things happening.

Guaranteed quality products by hair warehouse
5.2.4/ Able to access online transaction with hair warehouse
These days, social shopping has become increasingly famous. Consequently, you ought to pick hair warehouses that can get to online exchanges. This will help the order and payment issue more straightforward.
If it’s not too much trouble, note that you should check the data of the payment address given by that hair warehouse, regardless of whether it is clear and reliable. Ensure that their order and payment strategy are clear and dependable.

Able to access online transaction with hair warehouse
5.2.5/ Positive feedbacks and reviews about hair warehouse
Feedbacks and reviews play a significant part in assessing a solid hair warehouse. Qualified hair distribution factories certainly get positive and high-appraised reviews from worldwide clients. If customer feedback is not available and public on their website, you definitely can ask the hair warehouses to send you.
Then again, you should be aware of fake reviews. There are a few unreliable hair warehouses that hire other people to give positive feedback or even fake photos of them. Real reviews come from real accounts with powerful photos and recordings.
>> See more: Wholesale Hair products Distributors

Positive feedbacks and reviews about hair warehouse
5.2.6/ No intermediaries with the best reasonable price
To import your hair expansions straightforwardly from a wholesale hair warehouse with the best cost and ensured quality, you really want to ensure that there aren’t any intermediaries. In this case, intermediaries can be wholesale suppliers or resellers.
As mentioned at the first part, importing hair directly from wholesale hair warehouses brings you significant advantages, including the best price with reliable quality. Otherwise, you might need to follow through on a greater expense in correlation with the first cost, which is offered originally by hair warehouses. What is more, you might even import hair extensions with bad quality, which is not quite the same as those in the photos sent by hair vendors. Watch out!
6. How to import hair from hair warehouse?

How to import hair from a hair warehouse?
After choosing a qualified hair warehouse, how to order and purchase hair extensions from hair warehouses, especially from foreign hair warehouses?
Here are the sample steps to import hair from K-Hair – top Vietnamese hair warehouse with high quality and affordable price.
- Look for their items at site:
- Select your last one and send its name with detailed portrayal (texture, length, color…) to their Hotline +84 96 789 4448 . You can likewise contact their business staff straightforwardly through Whatsapp number . K-Hair has an expert group expertising in dialects, for example, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Russian to help you the best
- Affirm your ultimate conclusion with K-Hair in regards to types, descriptions and quantity
- K-Hair will send request affirmation with receipt
- You affirm the receipt and make payment. Their warehouse will begin making when they got your cash
- K-Hair factory will inform you of your status of hair manufacture regularly. You would be able to call them whenever to see your items in their producing warehouse. This privilege is simply applied in K-Hair industrial facility
- K-Hair settles on a video for you to check the amount and quality of hair extensions when they finish. K-Hair ONLY SHIP WHEN YOU ARE SATISFIED.
- K-Hair also provides customers with proper and guaranteed packaging of products to make sure they are secured before sending them to a logistic party.

How to import hair from hair warehouse
7/ Top best hair warehouses worldwide
There are so many hair warehouses supplying hair extensions worldwide. We are here to recommend you top best hair warehouses that are ideal to import hair for your business
7.1/ K-Hair – a Vietnamese leading hair warehouse
Founded in the 1990s, K- Hair Factory is ranked in the top 1 biggest hair warehouse in Vietnam. The hair warehouse commits to provide hair extension products which are identically high-quality. They have more than 30 years of experience in manufacturing and exporting hair around the world.
K-Hair supplies hair extensions which are various types, lengths and colors. Their main hair source came from mountainous women, leading to the fact that their products are always in best quality with affordable price. Thanks to the positive reputation, K-Hair has been a destination for many salons, retailers, wholesalers and other factories worldwide. End-users or hair vendors who come with K-Hair can get factory prices – the best price with no intermediates.
For more information about K-Hair, please contact us through:
- Website: K-Hair – Best Hair Warehouse: #1 Virgin Human Hair For You ! | K-Hair
- Instagram: the_k_hair
- Fanpage: K-Hairvn
- Whatsapp: +84 85 558 8000 (Dealing wholesale with best deal)

K-Hair – a Vietnamese leading hair warehouse
7.2/ 5S Hair – a well known Vietnamese hair warehouse
5S Hair Factory is the first Vietnamese hair warehouse vendor in Vietnam supplying high-quality Vietnamese hair extensions. In 2021, 5S Hair is honored to receive the Top Famous Vietnamese Brand Award 2021- a prestigious award in Vietnam that is held annually to honor reputable businesses. This is an affirmation of 5S Hair’s position and value in the market.
The hair warehouse provides a wide range of hair extensions such as tape-in hair extension, clip-in hair extension, remy hair, virgin hair at a reasonable price. Their typical products are extremely beloved by European women, and exported to many wholesale hair sellers in the world like Brazil, Russia, the UK and the US. Currently, they has adapted to new movements in business as marketing on social media, helping worldwide customers easily access to their products.

5S Hair – Vietnamese hair warehouse
7.3/ Baco Hair – a well-known Chinese hair warehouse
Baco is a Chinese hair warehouse, founded ten years ago with the goal of working with both major and small wholesale hair vendors. Their warehouse is located in Juan cheng city, Shandong Province, China. As a trustworthy hair distributor, Baco warmly welcomes their customers to come to visit their hair factory.
Their products include hair bundles, lace closures, lace frontals, 360 frontal, hair extensions and lace wigs. They have their own warehouse with modern technology, hence their product prices are often competitive.
7.4/ Dhwarak Indian Hair – a famous Indian hair warehouse
Dhawarak Indian Hair is a well-known Indian hair warehouse. With over 3200 square feet, the hair warehouse always has an abundant amount of hair extensions in stock to meet urgent orders of customers.
At their warehouse, the raw human hair procured from Indian temple are converted into hair extensions. Chemicals are not used in any steps so that their extensions stay healthy with cuticles intact. Therefore, they offer a wide range of products for both end users and wholesale vendors with competitive prices.
7.5/ Queen Hair – Top famous hair warehouse in Miami
Queen Hair is a Vietnamese hair factory focusing on producing and supplying pure Vietnamese hair extensions. 100% raw materials used are Vietnamese human hair which is virgin or remy hair. Having done business with customers worldwide, Queen Hair has built their fame and prestige in the global market. In Miami, Queen Hair is known as a reliable factory to import hair from.
Main products of this reliable brand are human hair weave bundles, hair frontals, hair closures and hair extensions like U-tips, I-tips or tape-in, clip-in, etc. Customers review Queen Hair as a brand of good quality hair, reasonable prices and good services.
In conclusion, importing hair extensions from a reliable hair warehouse will bring a huge advantage to anyone starting a hair business. Nothing can guarantee better quality, price and policies than a factory or hair warehouse. Hence, what to remember is to be alert to find the right supplier to trust and cooperate with.
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