To find out the cheapest price in hair distribution company in Vietnam in 2020 is extremely necessary for vendors/wholesalers. The hair industry is no longer becoming a job which makes people richer day by day. Moreover, Vietnam has top best famous hair distributors which supplies virgin human hair to vendors all over the world.

Top 5 Cheapest Price in Hair Distribution Companies
1. Why should we choose Hair Distribution Company?
Firstly, we need to mention the origin of Vietnamese human hair. Obviously, “Vietnamese Human Hair is derived from the Vietnamese women hair who are from 18-34 years old, especially mountainous women”; therefore, the best quality hair belongs to Vietnamese hair, not others. To understand more about Vietnamese hair, you can click this below link:

The origin of Vietnamese human hair
2. Top 5 Cheapest Price Hair Distribution Companies
This part only focuses on the grade of single drawn with Machine weft hair extensions. For equality, I take these price lists from the official website of this company in Vietnam. Through this article, we have an overview of the price list of weft hair extensions in the 5 cheapest price in hair distribution company in Vietnam. As all of you know, the price is equivalent to the quality but the cheap price also encloses with the best quality for the huge sales.
2.1 The FIFTH cheapest price hair distribution company
The fifth position of the 5 Cheapest Hair Distribution Company belongs to the Vietnamhair Company in Vietnam. Vietnam hair Company is a new company in the hair business. We can see the diverse grades of hair from 1* to 4*. The grades from 4* to 1* are equivalent to A, 2A, 3A, 4A with a large range of prices. However, Vietnamhair supplies the Remy hair, not virgin hair with the cheapest from 146$/kg of Remy hair type 4* 8 inches and the most expensive hair is 801$/kg of Remy hair type 1* 32 inches.

The price list of Vietnamhair Company
2.2 The FOURTH cheapest price hair distribution company
Like many companies in Vietnam, Livihair Company divides into three grades: super double drawn, double drawn, single drawn. The range of price is from 140$/kg single hair 8 inches to 670$/kg super double drawn 30 inches. Like Vietnamhair, Livihair supplies 100% human hair with natural textures and Remy hair.

The price in Livihair Company
2.3 The THIRD cheapest price hair distribution company
Jenhair Company is one of the oldest in Vietnam hair Business, then they create a big buzz and compete with the rest of the hair distribution company. With natural straight weft hair extensions, they separate hair into four grades: Single drawn, double drawn, Extra double drawn, and Super double drawn. The cheapest price for single drawn 8 inches is 120$/kg. You can see in the price table there, they put many empty cells in some specific lengths. And the highest price for extra double drawn 38 inches is 790$/kg.

Price list in Jenhair Company
2.4 The SECOND cheapest price hair distribution company
This position belongs to Asahair Company in Hair Business. So surprised, in this price list, they don’t divide hair to specific grades like the three above hair distribution company. The cheapest price for 8 inches is 110$/kg in straight natural hair. However, the highest price for 32 inches is relatively high at 628$/kg.

The price list in Asahair Company
2.5 The FIRST cheapest price hair distribution company
The FIRST cheapest price hair distribution company belongs to K-hair Vietnam. The impressive price list with the luxury decoration helps us understand more easily. The length is ranged from 8 inches to 32 inches with three grades like many other companies: Single, Double, and Super Double drawn. The cheapest price for single drawn 8 inches is only 89$/kg, almost the above prices over 100$/kg. That sounds great!.
They can supply almost hair in every length. The note under price is very clear for customers to understand. And the highest price 653$/kg for single drawn 32 inches. Except for the cheapest price in hair distributor company in Vietnam, they also specialize to supply 100% natural human virgin hair for vendors. I strongly recommend vendors to try at least one time to do business with K-hair Vietnam because vendors are deserved to sell the best prices as well as quality. You can also read more about their secrets here: 3 surprising secrets of Vietnamese hair suppliers.

The cheapest price list in K-hair Vietnam
3. Conclusion
The above-mentioned information is the objective assessment based on the public price on the company official website to find out the cheapest price in a hair distribution company in Vietnam. I hope all of you- vendors/wholesalers can have an overview of the price list from the most famous hair distribution company in Vietnam in 2020.
Especially, the Christmas season is coming soon. So I think vendors/wholesalers should order early to prepare for the hottest season in the year. Good luck with your business!
Contact Mrs Maeve Nguyen- An Expert from K-hair Vietnam to response for every questions about Vietnamese Human Hair.
Whatsapp: +84 833333 074 for a discount up to 20% of each order!
Instagram: maeve.k_hair_vietnam

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