Of all hair extension types, the permanent hair extensions are always one of top best-selling items. In this post, we will clarify all the things about permanent hair extensions in the current market, especially the permanent hair extensions cost or permanent hair extensions price near me. In particular, the top 4 things we are going to clarify are the definition, average permanent hair extensions cost or permanent extensions price, permanent hair extensions cost comparison and tips to get the best cost of permanent hair extensions. After understanding all these points about permanent hair extensions price, you will be more confident in both buying and selling hair extensions.

All To Know About Permanent Hair Extensions Cost
1. Permanent Hair Extensions Cost: What are permanent hair extensions?
First of all, if you are not familiar with the phrase “permanent hair extensions”, let’s have it made clear before discovering further about hair extensions price permanent or permanent hair extensions cost. We will both show you the characteristics of a permanent hair extension and list all the types of permanent hair extensions as human hair in bulk in the market below so that customers can evaluate whether their permanent hair extensions price near me or hair extensions prices permanent are reasonable or not.
1.1. Permanent Hair Extensions Cost: What are the characteristics of permanent hair extensions?
Permanent hair extensions are one of the three types of hair extensions in terms of lasting time for one installation. Permanent hair extensions price or hair extensions price permanent, hence, is higher compared to other hair extensions. The 2 other types are temporary and semi permanent hair extensions. No matter which types they are, they all share the same uses of adding hair length, hair volume and bringing new hairstyles to users.
In particular, a hair extension is called permanent if it can last more than 4 weeks after the installation. Permanent hair extensions price or hair extensions price permanent, hence, is higher compared to other hair extensions. This period of time is calculated from the time the hair extension is installed till it is put off for storing or re-applying. This is quite a long time, so the permanent hair extensions cost or permanent hair extensions price near me is quite high in comparison with less long-lasting types.

Permanent hair extensions cost: Characteristics of the hair
1.2. Permanent Hair Extensions Cost: Which types are considered permanent hair extensions?
Then, which types of hair extensions can last for more than 4 weeks in the current market of human hair bulk business? In other words, which types are considered permanent hair extensions and have high permanent hair extensions cost or permanent hair extensions price near me? Below are the top 4 most popular permanent hair extensions. They are the tape in hair extensions, sew in hair extensions, microbead hair extensions and fusion & pre-bonded hair extensions. Knowing about their characteristics, pros and cons beforehand will help you decide whether their permanent hair extensions cost or permanent hair extensions price near me is worth it or not.
Tape in hair extensions are installed by using the hair tape stuck on the top part of the extensions. This type of hair extension can last for 6 to 8 weeks, so it is a permanent extension. Some hair users also consider it a semi permanent one.
- About pros, tape in hair extensions is famous for easy installation and natural blend thanks to the flat tape.
- About cons, the tapes are supposed to be a bit damaging to the real hair. Their permanent hair extensions cost or permanent extensions price, as a result, is lower compared to other permanent hair extensions price

Permanent hair extensions cost: Tape in hair extensions
Sew in hair extensions are the most popular items in all countries. To install the weave hair, users will have the hair sewn onto the cornrow braided from their real hair. It then can last for 6-8 weeks before re-applying.
- About pros, sew in hair extensions are totally damage free and have a reasonable permanent hair extensions cost.
- About cons, the installation is quite demanding and needs to be done in a hair salon for the best result, which can take an amount of money. Their permanent hair extensions price in salon or permanent extensions price is considered quite high.

Permanent hair extensions cost: Sew in hair extensions
Microbead hair extensions are applied with microbeads or micro rings which are made of plastic or metal. They can last for more than 3 months!
- About pros, the hair is super durable, natural and hardly causes any damage to the real hair.
- About cons, the permanent hair extensions cost or permanent extensions price for this hair is quite high, and the installation cost is not cheap as well.

Permanent hair extensions cost: Microbead hair extensions
Fusion & pre-bonded hair extensions are applied on each hair strand with keratin glue and heat. This type of hair extensions can last such a long time, for 2-3 months straight.
- About pros, this hair extension type is also durable and well-blending.
- About cons, this hair extension type can cause some damage to users’ real hair after the installation. Although the keratin glue seems harmless, melted glue with heat is the point. This reduces the permanent hair extensions cost or hair extensions price permanent of this hair extension.

Permanent hair extensions cost: Fusion & pre-bonded hair extensions
2. The average permanent hair extensions cost in the market
Now that we have known all the main characteristics of the permanent hair extensions, let’s look into their permanent hair extensions prices or permanent hair extensions cost to see whether they are worth buying and investing in or not. As there are so many hair suppliers in the market with different permanent hair extensions price near me or hair extensions prices permanent, we will synthesize the average wholesale permanent hair extensions price or permanent hair extensions price near me based on the hair extensions prices permanent of cheapest suppliers (those from India) and permanent extensions price of most expensive suppliers (those from the UK) for the medium long (20 inch) natural human permanent hair extensions. The hair extension prices permanent or permanent hair extensions price near me given by UK suppliers are Euro, but we will convert it into USD for uniformity.
2.1. The average permanent hair extensions cost of tape in hair extensions
For 20 inch natural human tape in hair extensions, a typical Indian wholesale hair supplier will give the permanent hair extensions price or permanent hair extensions price near me of 60 USD/100g while the permanent hair extensions price or permanent hair extensions price near me of a UK supplier is 158.6 USD/100g. On average, the permanent hair extensions price or permanent hair extensions price near me is about 109 USD/100g.
As tape in hair extensions is a convenient choice of hair extensions, this number of these permanent hair extensions prices or hair extensions prices permanent is quite worth the hair value. In addition, it is also quite cheap in comparison with many other types of permanent hair extensions price near me or hair extensions prices permanent. You will realize this after considering all the permanent hair extensions prices or hair extensions prices permanent given below.

Permanent hair extensions cost: Tape in hair extension price
2.2. The average permanent hair extensions cost of sew in hair extensions
The 20 inch sew in human hair extensions are set hair extensions prices permanent of USD/bundle. Normally, each permanent hair extensions price or permanent hair extensions price near me bundle is 100g. The cheapest permanent hair extensions price or permanent extensions price from the Indian wholesale hair distributor is 47 USD/bundle. The highest permanent hair extensions price or permanent hair extensions price in salon from the UK distributor is 134 USD/bundle. The average permanent hair extensions price or permanent long hair extensions price is 90 USD/bundle.
In general, the permanent hair extensions price or permanent hair extensions price near me of the medium long sew in human hair extensions is affordable. For such a long-term use, this permanent hair extensions price or permanent hair extensions price near me range is acceptable.

Permanent hair extensions cost: Sew in hair extension price
2.3. The average permanent hair extensions cost of microbead hair extensions
For 20 inch natural microbead hair extensions, a typical Indian wholesale hair supplier will give the permanent hair extensions price or permanent hair extensions price near me of 65 USD/100g while the permanent hair extensions price or permanent long hair extensions price of a UK supplier is 160 USD/100g. On average, the permanent hair extensions price or permanent hair extensions price near me is about 112.5 USD/100g.
The hair itself is not so expensive, but the permanent hair extensions cost or hair extensions prices permanent also consists of the installation cost, so the actual permanent hair extensions cost or permanent hair extensions price in salon is higher.

Permanent hait extensions cost: Microbead hair extension price
2.4. The average permanent hair extensions cost of fusion and pre-bonded hair extensions
For 20 inch natural fusion & pre-bonded hair extensions, a typical Indian wholesale hair supplier will give the permanent hair extensions price or hair extensions prices permanent of 72 USD/100g while the permanent hair extensions price or permanent hair extensions price near me of a UK supplier is 162 USD/100g. On average, the permanent hair extensions price or hair extensions price permanent is about 117 USD/100g.
The fusion & pre-bonded is the most expensive hair extension type of the 4 types of permanent hair extensions price or permanent extensions price listed. In addition, the cost of installation will make the cost or permanent long hair extensions price become even higher. You can consider the pros and cons carefully before considering investing in this type of permanent hair extensions.

Permanent hair extensions cost: Fusion & pre-bonded hair extension price
3. A comparison of permanent hair extensions costs among supplying countries worldwide
Above we’ve just listed the lowest and highest permanent hair extensions price or permanent hair extensions price in salon from 2 countries to help you come up with the average permanent hair extensions price or permanent long hair extensions price. Now let’s take a look at the hair extensions prices permanent or permanent hair extensions price in salon given by different countries to get an overview of permanent hair extensions price or permanent hair extensions price near me. Then, you’ll also find for yourself the best supplier with the best permanent hair extensions price or permanent extensions price.
3.1. A synthetic comparison of the hair qualities & hair extensions prices permanent
Below is the synthesis table of permanent hair extensions cost from 7 different countries: India, China, Vietnam, Brazil, South Africa, the USA and the UK. These are 7 significant suppliers of hair extensions now in the world. You will see the huge differences in the hair extensions prices permanent or permanent extensions prices, and the reasons for different permanent hair extensions price or permanent extensions price are the combination of hair quality, factory scale, living standard and unit of currency.

Synthesize permanent hair extensions cost
As we can see, such factories like Indian, Chinese or Vietnamese ones will offer the cheapest permanent hair extensions prices while others are almost wholesale resellers, so the permanent extensions prices or permanent hair extensions price near me are much higher. Besides, the differences in units of currency is also a big cause of permanent hair extensions price differences.
3.2. Which countries are recommended to import hair extensions from?
Through the synthetic table of permanent hair extensions price above, we can know that the country supplying the best high-quality hair with the most reasonable permanent hair extensions price near me is Vietnam. To make it clearer about the reasonableness of Vietnamese permanent hair extensions cost or permanent hair extensions price near me, here are amazingly significant quality of Vietnamese human hair extensions:
- About hair types: All are Vietnamese human hair, so there are only two high-quality hair types: virgin hair and remy hair. Vietnamese permanent hair extensions price in salon also belongs to these two types. Virgin hair is collected from one donor, and remy hair is collected from 2 or more donors. All of them are human fresh unprocessed hair, so both the hair cuticles and alignments are well-kept and uniform. Vietnamese permanent hair extensions price near me can be a little higher, but it’s worth the price! Moreover, the best Vietnamese hair vendors never supply the bad-quality non remy hair, so the permanent hair extensions price near me is reasonable!
- About quality grades: 3 common quality grades are single drawn, double dawn and super double drawn with different permanent hair extensions cost. The super double drawn hair is of the highest quality as more than 80% of the hair has the same length, which makes the hair so thick and natural. The permanent hair extensions price near me or permanent extensions price also varies according to the quality grades.
- About hair lengths: Hair extensions from Vietnamese hair vendors have a wide range of lengths available, from 8 to 30+ inches. This enables you to try any hairstyles like weave body waves, bone straight, kinky, pixie, etc with Vietnamese hair extensions. The permanent hair extensions price near me also varies according to the hair length or permanent long hair extensions price.

Best permanent hair extensions cost: Vietnamese hair
4. Tips to get the best permanent hair extensions cost
After all, how to choose the permanent hair extensions with the best cost or the best hair extensions prices permanent? No matter whether you are a hair extension end-user or a hair extension reseller, you really ought to consider our tips in finding the best permanent hair extensions price or permanent long hair extensions price. These tips about permanent hair extensions price near me or permanent long hair extensions price are all shared from experienced hair experts in the hair business.
- Always research and choose reliable suppliers only for the best permanent hair extensions price near me: The suppliers will decide whether your investment is a bargain or not when providing permanent hair extensions price near me or permanent hair extensions price in salon. A reliable distributor will provide you with the best hair extensions at the best prices or the best hair extensions prices permanent or permanent long hair extensions price. In contrast, an unreliable one will provide you unqualified hair at high prices or unreasonable permanent extensions price or permanent long hair extensions price. Therefore, please don’t hesitate to investigate all the websites, social media or any possible platforms to discover the suppliers with the most suitable peremanent hair extensions price near me or hair extensions prices permanent beforehand.
- Remember that the permanent hair extensions price near me is worth the quality: A low permanent hair extensions cost or permanent hair extensions price near me can become undeserving if the hair quality is unqualified compared to the permanent extensions price or permanent hair extensions price in salon. Therefore, please pay attention to the hair quality first, and later the hair extensions price permanent or permanent extensions price.
- Don’t hesitate to ask for a discount on permanent hair extensions price near me: Especially when you buy the hair in quantity, discounts on permanent extensions price or permanent hair extensions price near me are supposed to be offered. This discount on hair extensions prices permanent or permanent extensions price will help you save an amount of money when buying hair extensions.

How to get the best permanent hair extensions cost
We have just told you all about the permanent hair extensions cost or hair extensions prices permanent. Hope that you find many things useful about permanent extensions price or permanent hair extensions price in salon from this post. We’ve also shared about many other interesting topic like how long does semi permanent hair dye last, what is a lace closure frontal, etc, so don’t forget to follow and support us at:
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