Wholesale Bone Straight Red Wine/Ombre Red Wine Vietnamese Hair Weave


(Unit: USD/bundle. For kg price list, please check Description box)


10", 12", 14", 16", 18", 20", 22", 24", 26", 28", 30", 8"

Quality Grade

Double, Single, Super (terms to show fullness of hair)

Hair Material

100% Human Vietnamese Hair, No Synthetic

4.60 Based on 5 customer reviews
Review Wholesale Bone Straight Red Wine/Ombre Red Wine Vietnamese Hair Weave
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    1. J

      Thank you as Justin your customer service is awesome! I appreciate that. It says a lot about your character as a person I am definitely looking forward to doing lifetime business with you ‍

      • woocommerce reviews 28121672213536
    2. L

      I love my hair Justin. Color is beautiful and hair is so soft . Everything is great for my store opening.

      • woocommerce reviews 28121672213534
      • woocommerce reviews 28121672213535
    3. B

      My husband said I should slow down on buying hair from K-Hair because I placed so many orders and I don’t have time for him

      • woocommerce reviews 28121672213532
      • woocommerce reviews 28121672213533
    4. D

      Love hair from K-Hair and will keep buying from K-Hair because hair quality is great and their service is nice.

      • woocommerce reviews 28121672213530
      • woocommerce reviews 28121672213531
    5. M

      I would love to come to K-Hair’s office Next year, I will come and buy hair directly from your office. It would be a great experience

      • woocommerce reviews 28121672213528
      • woocommerce reviews 28121672213529



    10", 12", 14", 16", 18", 20", 22", 24", 26", 28", 30", 8"

    Quality Grade

    Double, Single, Super (terms to show fullness of hair)

    Product Name

    Wholesale Bone Straight Red Wine/Ombre Red Wine Vietnamese Hair Weave

    Hair Material

    100% Human Vietnamese Hair, No Synthetic

    Hair Color

    Red Wine/Ombre Red Wine

    Hair Weight

    1 bundle = 100g. 1kg = 10 bundles = 1000g


    1-3 years

    Ability To Be Dyed/Curled


    Sample MOQ

    5 bundles

    Wholesale MOQ

    10 kg. The more kg, the better price

    Wholesale bone straight red wine/ombre red wine best Vietnamese hair weave is always our best selling item. This product is never out-of-fashion and loved by customers worldwide.

    Product Information

    Bone Straight Red Wine/Ombre Red Wine Vietnamese Hair Weave

    Bone Straight Red Wine/Ombre Red Wine Vietnamese Hair Weave no tangle and shedding

    The superior quality of K-Hair's Bone Straight hair

    K-Hair’s Bone Straight Hair products provide an exceptionally smooth texture with no tangling or shedding

    The hair texture of K-Hair's Bone Straight Colored product

    The texture of K-Hair’s Bone Straight Colored hair is silky, shiny, and exceptionally smooth

    Wholesale Price List

    Below is the price list of bone straight red wine/ombre red wine hair weave from K-Hair Factory. The price is calculated for each kilogram of hair (1kg = 1000g = 10 bundles). The price is in USD, and it can vary according to lengths (from 8 inch to 30 inch) and quality grades (super double drawn, double drawn and single drawn).

    E.g. 1kg of 8 inch super double bone straight red wine/ombre red wine hair costs 315 USD (for 10 bundles)

    The price of Bone Straight Medium Hair

    The price list for products with Bone Straight Medium Hair

    From K-Hair Factory

     K-Hair's factory

    K-Hair has domestic raw materials source and without intermediaries

    K-Hair provides excellent quality Vietnamese

    K-Hair guarantees that all our products are no synthetic or mix hair

    K-Hair Factory Can Customize All Colors You Desire

    Customize hair color

    K-Hair can fulfill all your desired hair color choices

    Say No To Low-Quality Synthetic Or Mix Hair

    Contrast between natural human hair and synthetic hair

    K-Hair consistently provides human hair and refrains from providing synthetic hair

    K-Hair Color Test

    The color testing of K-Hair products.

    K-Hair’s product color testing yields impressive results – no color fading, and the silky texture remains preserved

    Bone Straight Colored Hair Care Guide

    Hair care guide for colored hair

    Adhere to these four steps – detangling, styling, washing, and storing – to maintain your Bone Straight Colored Hair

    Guide On Making Wigs

    Guide to making wigs

    4-step process to craft exceptional wigs

    step 1 to order from K-Hairstep 2 to order from K-Hairstep 4 to order from K-Hairstep 5 to order from K-Hair

    step 1 to order from K-Hairstep 2 to order from K-Hair

    Question & Answer

    Put questions here and we will response immediately

    • Q

      How long does it take to make payment from the UK?

      • A

        Maybe 2-3 hours or 2-4 days depending on the methods dear.

    • Q

      How long can the red wine color last?

      • A

        Our color can last 3 years in good condition.

    • Q

      Do you have light red color for this item?

      • A

        It is not in our catalog but we can do it for you dear.
